About Commenting On Faith of the Fathers Blogs

Your comments and questions on all of our blogs are welcomed and appreciated.

We welcome links to other Catholic websites and blogs of a similar nature.

You should also be aware that by submitting a comment, your comment or opinion is considered "fair game" for any future posts.

However, the purpose of these blogs is to share our Catholic faith, and not to debate that faith. There are many other websites and blogs available for the purpose of debate. These blogs are not one of those sites. No personal attacks against any Faith of the Fathers blogs contributors or commenters will be tolerated.

Comments with abusive, foul or indecent language, attacks against others, and attacks against the Roman Catholic Church will not be tolerated, and will be deleted, and the commentor will be blocked from commenting in the future.

Comments containing links to other web sites or blogs will be checked to ensure that they are appropriate and safe to our readers, and to ensure that they contain no misleading or offensive content. Links found to direct to pornographic sites or images, or containing offensive terms in the link names will not be tolerated and will be deleted. All commenters posting comments with such links will be blocked from commenting in the future.

Comments made for the sole purpose of "spamming" will not be allowed, and all commentors including "spam" will have their comments deleted and will be blocked from commenting in the future. "Spam" is considered to be any unsolicited or any kind of unwanted online communication.

These blogs attract a worldwide general audience, so please keep in mind, if you would not say something to your mother, your grandmother, your priest, or your pastor; you should not say it here.
